Twos Program
• 12:2 Ratio
• Benchmark Program
• Literacy Rich Environment
• Vocabulary
• Mathematics
• Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom
• Project-based Dramatic Play, Science, and Social Studies
• Art
• Christian Character Development
Parent quote…
With my first daughter, I didn’t know what I was looking for with the preschool experience. But after having joined Noah’s Ark I was blown away. My daughter has the best time at school; the curriculum has taught her to read and write her letters and numbers faster than I could imagine, she has an amazing learning experience in the outdoor nature classroom and has the best teachers and classmates ever. She’s always eager to go to school and talks about her time all day long! To our surprise, my husband and I have also met a fabulous group of parents that we now call friends. We couldn’t be happier with the Noah’s Ark Community! - Aimee G.